Wedding in Szreniawa, 1912

utworzone przez lis 16, 2018eng, inne0 komentarzy

“Travels educate”

My trip to Poland has brought many interesting discoveries.

During my visit to the Ethnographic Museum in Cracow, which I was delighted with, I came across a photo with a signature “Wedding in Szreniawa, 1912”.

With the courtesy of the museum, I could share the picture on my blog.

On the same day of my coming to Miechów, after my visit in Cracow, from the local history enthusiast – author of the Miechowski Kuferek site – I have learned, that this photo and many other interesting memories are described in the book “Opowieści z pamięci” (Stories from memories).

Anna Seweryn was born in 1894 in Poręba Górna. She was the daughter of Wawrzyniec and Katarzyna nee Galicka.

Anna’s wedding took place in Szreniawa, where she lived with her parents for several years.

The guests invited to the wedding were also: the relatives and the godparents, who lived in Poręba Górna.

From the story of Anna Szopa (nee Seweryn):

“It was already past twelve, when one of the guests said:

  • They’re coming, they’re coming!

On the road from Lgota a row of wagons appeared, with flags surrounding the first cart with the groom and bridesmaids and groomsmen in Cracow costumes. The entire wedding cavalcade looked beautiful. Wedding guests especially admired the groomsmen’s gallop on horses, their assistance to the groom. From the highway to our house, the road ran around a pond, and the house stood on the hill.”

III 5323 F-002

“We were married by a young cleric Zdanowski. It was from his father’s parents that parents bought the land on which they now lived.“


Jan and Anna lived in Zagórow, in muncipality of Trzciąż/ Olkusz.




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In the book “Opowieści z pamięci”, Anna recalls that Cracow clothers were ordered and sewn specifically for this occasion at the dressmaker in Miechów.

Szreniawa and Poręba Górska are the areas in which their ancestors lived before 1840.  Mardziołek, Mordziołek, Mordzioł

I hope to add more details about this photo soon.


Anna Bernat-Mścisz




Miechowski Kuferek

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