Ethnography in Krakow

utworzone przez paź 30, 2018eng, inne0 komentarzy

Genealogy is often a detective search. One has to be attentive and inquisitive, and then a reward awaits.

When I visited the Ethnographic Museum in Cracow, in order to buy a book about fold costumes two months ago, I did not expect that I could also find interesting facts about genealogical research there.

At home

The first exhibition that I visited at the Ethnographic Museum in Cracow was a

reconstructed chamber of a traditional homestead.

Carved and painted wooden bed, benches, chairs and other household appliances placed under the walls of the room. Colourful sacred pictures, wall tapestries with multi-coloured patterns, embroidered pillows stacked on top of each other. Everything seemed to be waiting for the bustling housekeeper and children running around.


Ethnographic Museum in Cracow


At war

Other museum halls showed scenes from life crowned with old photographs.

There were family photos, photographs depicting rural life, field work, school children, teachers and others were associated with working on flax processing.

The scenes at the museum exhibitions changed as in a kaleidoscope.

In one place, an exhibition of crafts and just around the corner soldier attributes from the early twentieth century.

One of the photos depicted a soldier of the 2nd Brigade of Polish Legions.


Place: Zawoja, Suski County, Lesser Poland, voivodeship, 1914



Traditional wedding pastries


exhibition, wedding pastries, Ethnographic Museum in Cracow

An interesting exhibition showing wedding pastries. The first is 'wedding bark model, Zamość district, Lublin province, turn of the 19th and 20th centuries’

Small baking (by the shot glass) is a 'wedding cone model (the cake was carried before the wedding procession, placed at the top on the wedding rings, Boguchwała, Rzeszów county  XIX/XX century’

The woven wheel is 'a model of a wedding cake, Ropczyce, Podkarpackie , the beginning of XX century’

The big cake on the left side of the photo is 'wedding cake model, Janów , Lubelskie voi., 1905.


Something for the head


Magirka , Ethnographic Museum in Cracow

Magier’s description of the album “Stroje Krakowskie” published by the Ethnographic Museum in Cracow.

“Magierka, is a warm round hat, with an inverted rim, woolen, knitted with a garter stitch, full and turned up.Tyniec was the main center of the product near Cracow”


Clothes like painted

The exhibition of regional costumes is the most colourful corner of the museum.

Striped, flowery, checkered, embroidered, woven, printed – various outfits depicting the old fashion from different areas of Poland.


Muzeum Etnograficzne w Krakowie


Ethnographic Museum in Cracow



Ethnographic Museum in Cracow

The Ethnographic Museum in Krakow is not only interesting exhibitions, you can also use archival resources there.

It was there that I found some interesting photos that are helpful in genealogy searches.

From Kamień to Cracow

In the museum resources I also found photos from Kamień in the Podkarpacie region.

The photographs were taken in 1913.

Mayor from Kamień /Nisko .

IV, 1913.


Ethnographic Museum in Cracow

Peasants from Kamień/ Nisko, April 1913.



Kamień , Nisko rok 1913

Peasants in „sukmanas”, Kamień, Nisko, 1913.



Ethnographic Museum in Cracow

Kamień , powiat Nisko ,w zbiorach Muzuem Etnoraficznego w Krakowie


Ethnographic Museum in Cracow

Girls at the corset sewing course, Kamień, Nisko poviat.

In this entry I presented only a part of what can be admired in the museum.

I hope that thanks to the publication of the photos, it will be possible to recognize at least some of the people in them.

The Ethnographic Museum in Cracow is a place which I highly recommend. Interesting exhibits and friendly service await you.

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